Twenty-one-year-old Rayon Speede, a miner of the township of Bartica in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) who robbed a barber of items worth over $1.8 million, was on Tuesday granted bail in the sum of $200,000 after appearing before Bartica Magistrate Crystal Lambert and pleading not guilty as charged.
Charged: Rayon Speede
The charge he faces detailed that on December 30, 2022, he robbed Muneshwar Poorandai of Byderabo Road, Bartica of XR Honda motorcycle CK 4088, an iPhone 13 Pro phone, a Samsung Galaxy S9 phone, two gold chains and $50,000 cash.
It has been reported that the victim had been at Futu’s Sports Bar socialising, and as the establishment was about to close, Speede approached Poorandai for a drop on his motorcycle to One Mile Bartica, and Poorandai consented to taking him there. While in the vicinity of the Bartica Secondary School dorms, Speede placed Poorandai in a ‘headlock’, wrestled him to the ground, and dealt him several cuffs to the head, which caused Poorandai to fall unconscious. Speede then confiscated the victim’s mentioned articles and rode away on the victim’s motorcycle.
Police have said that when Poorandi regained consciousness, he stopped a passing vehicle and was taken to the Bartica Police Station, where the matter was reported before the victim was escorted to the Bartica Regional Hospital, where he was admitted as a patient.
The following day, ranks went to the Bartica Arcade and confronted a 31-year-old who had in his possession the two stolen phones. The man indicated that he received the phones from a 21-year-old to be ‘unlocked’. The 21-year -old Speede was contacted, and later arrested after admitting to robbing the victim.
The items that were stolen
Police have said that after he was arrested, Speede took cops to where he had hidden the motorcycle and other items he had stolen. The victim’s ID card and licence were also recovered.
The victim has since been discharged from the Hospital.
The matter is slated to be recalled on February 14, 2023.