PPP/C Councillors at Zeelust-Rosignol NDC withdraw resignations
The six Councillors of the Rosignol-Zee Lust Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) on the West Coast of Berbice (WCB) who have tendered their resignations have since rescinded same.
The Councillors, who represent the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), reportedly resigned some time ago.
NDC Chairman Chate R Puran, Vice Chair Iqbal Alli and Councillors Haimwattie Persaud, Agnes Karamchand, Samuel Jagnandan, and Joseph Tirbhawan are said to have resigned owing to an issue of relocating roadside vendors at Rosignol.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and the six Councillors after the fruitful meeting
But, in a missive addressed to the Overseer, the Councillors accused the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) of contorting their resignations to suit its political agenda. “We the undersigned Councillors are deeply offended that the APNU/AFC cabal and their sympathisers have sought to falsely portray our resignation over a disagreement on a particular issue in the NDC as a loss of confidence in the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government,” the letter stated.
The aggrieved Councillors met with PPP/C General Secretary and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and other Ministers at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown where issues surrounding their resignations were raised and clarified.
The Councillors were agonised by the fact that their resignations over a particular matter was “falsely portrayed” by the APNU/AFC and its surrogates as a loss of confidence in the PPP/C Government.
They also sought the assistance of the Party and Government in accelerating development in their NDC and reaffirmed their commitment to that cause.
“In rebuking the sinister motive of the APNU/AFC cabal, the Councillors reminded that the community and NDC of Rosignol/Zee Lust have suffered from neglect, wanton discrimination, and lack of accountability during the APNU/AFC time in office,” a release from the PPP/C stated.
Nevertheless, the release further stated that the Party believed that the mischievous attempt by the APNU/AFC was designed to create a distraction as a means of deflecting from its notorious and despicable record, which was highlighted during the recent budget debates and the current observance of the one-year anniversary of its assault on democracy.
“No doubt, this sort of desperate behaviour by the coalition will continue as the PPP/C Government presses ahead with its development agenda through the implementation of the measures outlined in the 2021 Budget for the benefit of all sections of society,” the release added.
The resignations stemmed from a visit by Local Government and Regional Development Minister Nigel Dharamlall, who purportedly ordered that vending at Rosignol be stopped and the vendors removed from the roadside.
However, the Minister denied that and indicated that an agreement with the vendors was arrived at and they would relocate after remedial works were completed at the market.