PPP observes 20th death anniversary of Dr Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan today

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) will today commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of its founder, the late Dr Cheddi Jagan.

Since his death in 1997, the life and works of this iconic Guyanese, who served as the nation’s 3rd Executive President, have been celebrated annually, with thousands flocking the Babu Jaan Crematorium at Port Mourant on the Corentyne Coast in East Berbice.

Founder of the PPP,  Dr Cheddi Jagan
Founder of the PPP,
Dr Cheddi Jagan

Born on March 22, 1918, Dr Jagan died on March 06, 1997. Over the years, the month of March has been set aside to remember and reflect on the invaluable contributions he has made to the development of Guyana and Guyanese. The Chairman of the Commemoration Committee, Executive Secretary of the PPP, Zulfikar Mustapha, has said it is important that these events are held, given the present-day relevance of Dr Jagan’s work for both Guyana and the world at large.

“The struggles that he led to free our people from colonialism, to improve their lives and to return democracy following that dark, oppressive period when our people were subjected to a brutal dictatorship for almost three decades, are as relevant today as it was then. With less than two years in office, the APNU/AFC government is swiftly pushing the country to economic ruin after twenty years of unprecedented prosperity under the PPP government,” Mustapha said in a statement on Saturday.

He also said, “Dictatorship has returned. Fear has been instilled into the mindset of our people. Discrimination continues unabated. Many are forced (into) unemployment, and the ordinary citizens are made to endure unnecessary sufferings.” He pointed out that the PPP will not relent from its responsibility to represent the Guyanese people and to free them from the oppression that the current government in foisting upon the nation. “Dr Jagan led the struggle, and it will continue by our Party until Guyanese and Guyana can return to progress. There are some who are bent on distorting our history in a calculated effort to diminish the outstanding contributions made by this Guyanese hero, but his work will live on and its relevance will remain firm in the hearts and minds of our people,” Mustapha declared.

General Secretary of the party and Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, will deliver the feature address today at the Babu Jaan Crematorium.

It is expected that the Government’s dismal performance and their ongoing efforts to close more sugar estates would be priority topics in his speech. Presentations will also be made by representatives of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) and the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) among others. The event commences at 15:00h.