Reaching out…

…or neutralising the Public Service?
Your Eyewitness is beginning to see a method to the presumed madness of President Granger painting State House with that lurid PNC green. Yes! Yes, we know he wanted to mark the building with a distinctive sign, to claim ownership against other challengers — territorial claim and all that; and it was better than him peeing on the sides!! But there are clearly other uses.
Have you noticed, dear reader, that whenever Granger is at odds with a group or wants to court a group’s support, he invites them to State House? And he never takes them inside…he hosts them outside on the lawns, where they can be exposed to the full impact of the ghastly colour. It’s like the bright lights interrogators direct at their victims…after an hour, they’re willing to confess assisting those Saudis to bring down the World Trade Center!! Imaging being subjected to that colour for HOURS!!
The latest to get the treatment was the Public Service Union, some executives of which had been getting a bit restive at Granger’s dismissal of their concerns on salaries etc. Patrick Yard wasn’t there, but that would’ve been like carrying coconuts to Pomeron, wouldn’t it? So, after wining and dining the restive younger Union members (at our expense!), Granger told them to bury the hatchet, and they weren’t “rivals”. It was a Freudian slip.
Fact of the matter is: when Burnham established his dictatorial regime, the PNC party, the Disciplined Forces and the Public Service were the three legs on which it stood. When Corbin manoeuvred Granger into the leadership of the PNC, he didn’t realise his strategic mistake. Granger – always, in his head, the General and Head of the Disciplined Forces — immediately went about neutralising the party and Public Service as threats to his incipient authoritarian regime.
Why’d you think practically every Ministry and Government agency now has a military man in a strategic position? Was it just to brighten up the place with their glinting medals? Naaah!! Think of how the Soviets would similarly place “political commissars” who wielded the real power…which came right from the top. That’s the plan. In this iteration of fulfilling Burnham’s “legacy”, the fulcrum of control will now be totally centralised – in the military leg.
You can’t blame Granger; he doesn’t have Burnham’s gift for the gab, much less his charisma. All he knows is centralised command and control…and that’s what he’ll use. So, for the Public Service, they’ve been made to come supplicating to Granger – in HIS house!! Granger’s made his point. He won’t allow the tail to wag the dog.
The GPSU is now a “tail” and Granger’s the Top Dog!! Woof!! Woof!!

…and teaching Bajans humility
Your Eyewitness must confess he felt a frisson of schadenfreude – a tingle of pleasure at another’s misfortune — when he learnt Barbados’ debt load was so high, and its reserves so low, it was forced to stop paying its debt!! Right away its credit rating was downgraded – meaning it will have to pay more to borrow on international markets. If at all!!
The Bajans were already being instructed by the IMF that they had to get off their high horse and deal frontally with their economy, which couldn’t sustain them living so high off the hog.
Now your Eyewitness isn’t a mean fella. But these Bajans really did a number on us Guyanese after Burnham had brought us to our knees. To say they treated us like dirt when we even were IN TRANSIT at their airport would be using a euphemism. They treated us like sh*t! Well, now they’ll find out how it is to have leaders who just screw up and the people have to pay for their sins.
How sweet it is!!

…to Region 11
Your Eyewitness just saw pics of the “Independence parade in NY”. Wel,l it was in BROOKLYN NY. So what happened to all the folks from Richmond Hill who’d been promised “one love forever”??
Splitsville already?? Why??