Dear Editor,
Please allow me space in your publication to seek some clarity for my own benefit and for the benefit of those like me who find themselves being confused by the silence of some of our religious leaders in our society.
I was raised in a Christian home and attended church regularly. I still do so now. I remember over the early 2000s and up to 2015 hearing many sermons by different pastors, prophets and even bishops and insertions in sermons of the perceived evils that prevailed in our lands. I remember hearing that it is an obligation of these preachers to speak against perceived evil. I also remember hearing prophecies just before both the 2011 and 2015 elections about the leaders and persons God had anointed to lead our land and that these leaders were prophesied to be righteous. We all remember that “this is the day that the Lord has made” said at the inauguration.
I as a young Christian am now in a state of confusion as to the silence from these very pastors, prophets and bishops. We have seen over the past three years this “righteous government” being accused of some of the most blatant abuse of power and the rights of the people of Guyana yet not a word is being spoken for or against these acts.
I will now list a few of the accusations and request a response from these prophets, pastors and bishops on their views of the actions of the Government:
I refer, Editor, to the dismissal of the 2000 Amerindians shortly after taking office; the closing down of the sugar estates and dismissal of 7000 or more workers in that industry; the arrangement of the rental of the “Drug Bond” where one of their supporters, we were recently told, received more than a quarter billion dollars without investing a dollar of his own money; the continual issuing of contracts to friends without adhering to the tendering process; the ignoring of the Constitution with regard to the established process that was accepted by all and which they themselves subscribed to over the years.
My confusion is as a result of the silence in the face of the above stated accusations which on the face of it seems founded in truth. My question to these leaders is simple. Is it okay for one government to do wrong to Guyanese and/or a set of Guyanese?
Is it that we are to accept that God accepts wrong from some people and not from others?
Do we have some Guyanese who are considered ‘God’s chosen people’? What am I to understand by your silence?
Confused Christian