Sophia man before the court for ganja trafficking

A D Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown man was on Friday before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged for having 18 grams of cannabis in his possession for the purpose of trafficking.
Mario Jeffrey, 23, of Lot 204 D Field, Sophia appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and denied that on January 9, 2018, at Guyhoc Park, Georgetown, he had in his possession 18 grams of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.
His Attorney, George Thomas, told the court that the narcotic his client is being charged for having was found in a trench and not on his client.
As such, he noted that his client has no knowledge of the illegal drug and asked for bail to be granted on those grounds.
Bail was granted in the sum of $75,000 and Jeffrey is scheduled to reappear in court on February 9.