day that we pick up the papers, without fail, we read something about corruption. Whether the accusations are aimed at the Government, companies or various other individuals, they are linked with untoward practices, routinely with little or no evidence offered. Sadly, too many people take to this as gospel.
For the individual, the slur on your name will stick and for a long time to come because it would seem that people would much rather believe the worst of you; more gossip and scandal to be embraced and used to fill dull days. For the larger companies, the smear could affect business and relations in a significant way. For the Government, heavy scrutiny and serious damage to the party.
The idea that the press can print almost anything they like without limitations as to what has been proved is quite frankly horrifying, and yet unsurprising, considering the lack of consequence. However, the really disturbing thing is the way the masses seem to accept it without question.
When we blindly accept what is being fed to us, we are allowing the press to rule and control. It is supposed to be there in our society to ensure we are presented with all the information needed to make up our own minds. We are supposed to accept some affiliations from different areas of the media and to acknowledge that they will always be inclined reporting, but unless we are continually aware and prepared to read between the lines, we are in danger of being brainwashed.
This is the type of attitude that has now produced a generation of stifled thinkers. This is a product of the failure to equip our children with the tools for critical thinking. It comes from a culture of being told and accepting; a culture of wanting to lament over the wrong everyone else is doing. Perhaps in such a challenging social time, the idea that misery loves company is not far from the truth.
When was the last time you read or heard about something detrimental to another person and stopped to consider why you were being told, how much information the bearer of news actually had and what proof was behind it? Unfortunately, if you’re being honest, this is not happening enough.
The point is many who are gossiping and spreading opinions actually have no idea, no proof and have made no effort to substantiate any of the comments they are making. Too many people are quick to have ill-informed opinions and bold enough to make a case against any other possibilities. Surely if you are going to argue your position on a topic you should have at least done your homework on it first. Think a little more for yourself before being spoon-fed unsubstantiated claims and do not be so quick to condemn just because it makes life more interesting for the gossips.
I have heard of Guyana being dubbed as the rumour monger of the world and it is a shame that there is continued ignorance and disregard for considering the truth behind words. Although, unfortunately a practice amongst political strategy around the world, it is time the political bickering reframed from blocking, ridiculing and thwarting the good projects that will be beneficial for all Guyanese in a bid for one-upmanship on any opposition. It is also time the public started thinking for themselves, considered the bias behind the stories, the reasons for the way information is presented and the realities that face our politicians, our businessmen and ourselves that make things not always as they seem.
Of course I am not dismissing the fact that corrupt practices may be occurring frequently and those responsible should always be held accountable, but surely we can see the way some reports are written with limited background checks and little concern for those linked with high profile corruption accusations and how unethical it is to slander a name with unproven allegations.
It is such an important time to offer our children and all our citizens a new outlook on the way we can allow ourselves to be controlled or how we can chose to liberate our minds to reflect our own informed opinions. These topics should be at the forefront of any parent, teacher or educator’s minds; to develop that free thinking individual who is going to stand up and question what is around them, who is going to refuse to be caught up in the careless sensational delivery of aspects of society that affect their lives, who is going to make their own judgement based on critical evaluation.