We must build strong walls against racial conspirators

Dear Editor,
As Guyanese, we must stand firm against racism by the APNU/AFC and their surrogates, particularly those who promulgate from the comfort of their basement dwellings in the US.
We must weed them out, thereby sending the clear message that racism, racial discrimination and racial incitement to violence will not be tolerated.
We must boycott those political talking-heads that only see things through their racist ideologies. We must tell them to “get from here” with their racist ideologies that seek to keep Guyana backward.
That brings me to the Ethnic Relations Commission. This entity needs guidance on how to do its job. It is not doing a good job. I feel the problem lies in the will of its members to confront the issue frontally.
Look for instance you have people like Facebook activists in Guyana and New York saying some of the most abominable things about the PPP, its Government and East Indian politicians. These men, through their inciting and hate-filled ranting, are seeking to divide the population along ethnic lines.
Freedom of speech and expression does not give one the right to spread lies, fairy tales, and half-truths about an issue or person. Where is the ERC on this issue?
I am saying that we are all Guyanese. We are supposed to coexist as one people with a common destiny. We must build strong walls against the racial conspirators of our time.
Yours truly,
Alvin Hamilton