Who will bell…

…the (GECOM) cat?
Most Guyanese will tell you – with great sincerity – that it’s only around “elections time” that our problems erupt. But that’s very revealing: whatever causes the “problems”, had to’ve been there (like lava under pressure in a volcano) to “erupt”. No lava, and no pressure – and no eruption! So, shouldn’t we fix whatever’s causing the pressure and the lava – not just GECOM, which merely regulates the event precipitating the explosion? Anyhow, that’s grist for another mill, since the Government wants to start downstream at the holding of elections, rather than upstream, where the lava and pressure are produced. Can’t say your Eyewitness isn’t becoming “oil conscious”!!
Right now, GECOM’s in centre stage, since the PPP Government – as it promised – has put it on the operating table for the Guyanese people to suggest what to do to control the “elections troubles”. They’ve put out some ideas they feel are necessary to do the job – but we’re told that these are merely to offer us a framework for our thoughts. We – and the rest of Guyana – have six weeks to put in our various two cents’ worth!
One PNC GECOM Commissioner is miffed that GECOM wasn’t consulted specifically, separately and ahead of others, on their thoughts on the matter. While some may feel that since GECOM’s under scrutiny they can’t be involved in fixing themselves, your Eyewitness doesn’t agree. In fact, being in the eye of the maelstrom every five years or so, they may’ve had the best seats in the nation to nail what ails our electoral process. As Brother Bob said, he who feels it knows it!!
To your Eyewitness’s surprise, some in the Opposition are suggesting that we should go for some outsiders to make the call. But the last time we went “outside” – when the PNC was rigging the elections with bedsheets and spreadsheets – remember how bitter they became with our sister Mia and fellow Caricom neighbours?!! The Opposition also wants to have an “independent panel” to step in – but your Eyewitness has already dealt with the infinite regression scenario as to who will choose such a panel. What they want is a return to the Granger Doctrine on selection – the PNC must be given a list to choose from – providing they compile the list!! There’s a term for this in the social sciences – outcome determinative!! Or as the boys in the hood would say, playing with a stacked deck!!
Anyhow, the PPP’s suggestions are slanted heavily towards “sticks rather than carrots” for the GECOM officials to “do the right thing”. Guess they believe in the “sticks and stones can break bones” school of incentives!!
But have executions ever stopped murders?

…crony capitalism?
If you didn’t believe capitalism’s really “crony capitalism”, then you gotta explain why the top 1% in America keeps getting richer – while the remaining 99% sinks deeper into the swamp. And this in the face of every American President since Roosevelt fervently promising to clean up the swamp in Washington! And we arrive at accusations of crony capitalism being practised by the PPP in Guyana.
The latest came after a company – founded by a fella known for his backing of football and a music promoter – won a bid to build a school in Reg 1. Seems the two budding builders are friendly with PPP types – it’s alleged! But apart from the “cronyism” charge, who says a person good in one area of life can’t set up a successful business in another? Didn’t the Bajan singer Rihanna become a billionaire not from singing but by selling cosmetics?
And since the PPP was criticised for blanking African Guyanese on contracts, don’t they get any points for correcting this?
Capitalism is “friends with benefits”!!

…cricket’s glorious uncertainty?
Well, whad’ya know? The Aussies and Kiwis are in the World Cup finals, and a lot of bookies are smiling all the way to their banks!!
Your Eyewitness did put his money where his mouth was – on the West Indies!!