Witch-hunting and prejudice

Dear Editor,
We human beings can only recognise whatever evil we purport to see in others because some of those same negative qualities are within ourselves, simply because of this common human nature. This must certainly lead us to behave more empathically with those we view as opponents in any area of activity.
In our political situation, we must appreciate that the errors committed by those “opposed” to us are not necessarily due to a corrupt nature, but much of it may be due to mistakes committed simply because of this fallible nature that all of us possess.
I must say that any unbiased onlooker to the recent political actions concerning public servants can reasonably concede that this is due to some measure of witch-hunting and prejudice against others politically and even racially, and may be ascribed to this same perception that those on the other side are corrupt and therefore feel justified to act against them.
This “we against them” approach is seriously affecting the national efforts by both sides of the political divide towards political, as well as social unity, and we must therefore appreciate the urgent need to review our opus operandi and make it our top priority to make conscious and determined efforts to remove this false stance, and consolidate this togetherness among our people in all areas of our lives.

Roy Paul