“Yellowras” – using music to make a difference

Twenty-four-year-old Chavez Bender was born on August 16, 1992. His musical career actually started when he was only 16 years old, as a deejay referred to as “Yellowcat”. He is a versatile deejay and selector and would have entered in a number of deejay competitions.
While he won a few and lost a few, this did not deter him from being one of the best deejays and selectors on the West Side (West Coast and West Bank of Demerara).
However, at the age of 17, he started to write his own songs after discovering that he had a knack for singing. By 19, he started to record his vocals as “Yellowras” and became his own producer; going on to build his own recording studio he calls, “Hammanuttree Records”.
Over the past years, he has built some of his own “riddims” as well as mastering all his songs. He also sang and produced more than 700 songs and “riddims” and is still uploading more songs locally. All tunes comprise of all genre of music and they can be uploaded from Google.
Presently, he is an independent Guyanese selector, deejay, recording artiste and a producer. He does this for the love of knowledge, wisdom, history an education.
At the same time, he wants to send a positive message to the youths in Guyana and across the globe.