A Berbice labourer is now dead after being hit by a neighbour in what was described as an act of revenge, leaving a one-day-old baby fatherless.
Dead: Muhammed Ally
Dead is Muhammed Ally, 24, of Benet Dam, Rosignol, West Coast Berbice, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice).
According to reports, Ally and some of his in-laws were walking out of the street on their way to the New Amsterdam Hospital to visit Ally’s wife, who had given birth to a baby girl on Friday, when the incident occurred.
This newspaper was told that Ally was attacked by a neighbour, who hit him to his head with an iron pipe. Following the blow, he collapsed and was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The neighbour was subsequently arrested.
Guyana Times understands that Ally’s in-laws and the suspect, who was released from prison last week, have an ongoing feud.
In January, the suspect was remanded to prison after an attack on one of the in-laws.
Ally had been living on the East Bank of Berbice and then moved to East Canje before marrying and joining his wife at Rosignol last year.