Cane into rice


Satiricus could barely contain his excitement. For months his friend Cappo the Canecutter had been depressed after he’d heard the government was going to close down Wales Sugar Estate. Cappo was convinced this was only the beginning of a very slippery slope that would eventually overtake his estate also.

“Great news Cappo!” Satiricus said to his friend as they barely took their assigned seats at the Back Street Bar.

“Yuh get pay a’ready?” Cappo exclaimed. “Me prappa ready fuh drink some good beer!”

“I’ll buy..don’t worry,” Satiricus assured Cappo. “But it’s not that!”

“Suh wha’ de good news, den?” Cappo said as he started with gusto on his first cold beer, which the waitress had just served.

“Your problem on the sugar estate is solved, old buddy!” Satiricus was so excited he hadn’t even touched his beer. “Your job is safe!”

“Dem fyaah de GuySuCo Board and de Ministah?” Cappo wanted to know. “Only dah can save sugah!”

“Listen Cappo, the same Board and Minister you’re insulting, are the same ones saving sugar,” Satiricus said sternly. “They will be diversifying from sugar into rice and fish!”

Cappo eyes bulged. “Yuh seer-yas?” he finally croaked.

“Yes man! Aren’t you happy?” Satiricus finally took a swig of his beer.

“Happy? Happy?” Cappo voice was rising. “Suh jus like dat, me guh tu’n wan rice farmah fram wan cane-cuttah?”

“What’s the big deal?” said Satiricus who was taken aback at Cappo’s vehemence. “Isn’t one job in the fields just like any other job?”

“Sato, yuh a me good fr’en,” said Cappo quietly. “But yuh soung jus’ like de Ministah and de Board.”

“What do you mean?” said Satiricus with a hurt expression.

“Sato, yuh know anything ‘bout rice?” asked Cappo.

“Well not much…I just eat it,” Satiricus admitted.

“Sato, fuh big lan’ like dem cane fiel’ plane gat fuh shy de rice seed, an de fertiliser an’ insecticide. An’ combine guh cut and bag de paddy.” Cappo explained quietly.

“But that will still need workers, no?” asked Satiricus.

“Na even wan quartah wa wuk in de cane fiel’ Sato,” replied Cappo. “An’ beca’se mos’ rice gat fuh reap de same time, ‘e na gat wuk all year roun’.”

“Geez!” exclaimed Satiricus. “I didn’t know that!”

“Na worry, Sato,” said Cappo. “De Ministah and de Board shoulda know. Somebady shou’d fyaah dem tail!”