Caricom blues

Satiricus was pleased with Burnt Ham and his enthusiasm for CariCon if for nothing else than that he had the smarts and people sense to create CariCon Day, and then have it observed on the first Monday of every July!! If we couldn’t get the four-day weekend of the Americans, then a three-day weekend would do quite nicely, thank you!! He was still smiling as he ambled to the back of the Back Street Bar.
“Eh, Eh!! Bai Sato!! Like you get some good news fuh abee, or wha”?” smiled Bungi, and Satiricus eased into his seat.
“Damn right I have!” enthused Satiricus as he picked up his beer. “Have you fellas forgotten that tomorrow is CariCon Day?”
“All me know, ah wan halliday!” said Cappo. “Me na know ‘bout CariCon.”
“But what exactly do you have against CariCon?” asked Satiricus.
“Well, for one, we’re helping to pay for all those uppity folks at their Secretariat!” said Hari quietly but firmly. “Do you have any idea about the salaries they make?”
“Me na know dem salary,” said Bungi. “But me know dem na even piss pan abee Guyanese!”
“Da beca’se dem ah get mo’ money dan even Grain Ja,” said Cappo. “An’ tax free!”
“But even Nagga Man don’t get tax free,” said Satiricus in surprise. “Maybe he should take a job at CariCon?”
“But tell me something, Sato,” said Hari. “Now that you mention Nagga Man, what does KFC think about CariCon?”
“Well, we are one Caribbean people, you know,” said Satiricus. “One love!! Just like us in Guyana!!”
“Waan love?” asked Cappo. “Yuh eva’ bin to Barbados?”
“But that was in the past, Cappo,” replied Satiricus. “You know they’re now broke, don’t you? And they’ll all be coming to Guyana!!”
“Den de Guvment should buil’ wan ‘Bajan Bench’ at de new Airport right away!!” smiled Bungi.
“But seriously, fellas,” said Hari. “If CariCon can straighten out the WI Cricket Board, they would have earned their super salaries!!”