Dear Diary,
Dis is Pato, Dear Diary. Ah cyaan tek it no mo’. Ah doan know when Ah guh hear de end of dis Arch business at the UG Road Jung-shun. An’ it was “business”, yuh know, Dear Diary. Everything was going good after Ah rescue de Jubilee Park from Nick A Let. Ah was a hero. An’ now dis Arch.
An is not that Ah doan have experience with arches. Last year, was me who handle de one at Agricoluh. Yuh know Ah is a surveyuh; right, Dear Diary? An’ Ah survey de place real good! But dat one was done by Banks, and dem bais know how t’ings wuk in Guyanuh. Ah didn’t have to do much.
Suh when Ah hear Ansal doin’ dis arch fuh dis year, Ah think was goin’ to be de same t’ing! Even though dem is Trini, dem Big Bass is one awe, KFC gyurls. She an’ we new leaduh tight-tight. See how much drugs Ansal delivering nowadays, Dear Diary? De arch was payback.
But dat is de problem, Dear Diary. Just like how Ansal collect de money an’ cyaan deliver de drugs, was de same thing wid de Arch. Deh Just couldn’t get de thing erect in time. Maybe dey need a drug for dat!?
But is not funny, Dear Diary. As soon as Ah hear dem couldn’t erect de Arch over the weekend, Ah survey de place. Ah is a surveyuh; right, Dear Diary? Ah know was goin’ to be trouble. Big trouble. But we KFC party leaduh said we had to go through full steam ahead – Political Investment. Ansal had some party and had to show off de arch to impress people from foreign.
An’ now Ah getting’ stick right, left and centuh! Ah cyaan tek it no mo,’ Dear Diary. Dis is no job for a surveyuh. We doan do errections. We cyaan get it up.