Fear of flying

Satiricus always enjoyed the long Easter weekend. He always thanked the Church Fathers who decided — of all the days in the week — to pick the day on which Jesus was crucified to be a Friday. How could they know? The calendar hadn’t even been formed! Knowing that Jesus rose three days later, Easter then had to fall on a Monday. And voila!! “Good Friday” to “Easter Monday” wrapped around the weekend to give the fellas ample time to bend their elbows at the Back Street Bar!
“OK Sato! OK!” grinned Hari, as Satiricus explained the Easter weekend, “So the Church Fathers were ahead of the Americans on this ‘long weekend’ business!”
“Yeah!” enthused Bungi. “Leh abee drink to da!!”
Drinks duly downed, Satiricus asked, “Can you believe the way United treated that passenger they bumped off their flight?”
“Yes, I can believe it!” Hari immediately responded, as he signalled for another beer. “Have you even flown CaripAirlines?”
“Yeah, Sato!” said Bungi. “Dem a treat Guyanese like daag!”
“You hear that or you know that?” demanded Satiricus.
“Budday, yuh na rememba da time me bin fuh look wuk in St Lucia?” Bungi answered. “Dem CaripAirlines people na even gi’e abee wan pack nut!”
“I went with Bungi that time to show him the ropes,” revealed Hari. “The flight was delayed three hours here. We were starving!”
“An’ abee had fuh wait two hour fuh people come in a Trinidad,” continued Bungi, who was getting quite worked up. “An’ still na wan packet a nut!”
“You like nuts?” asked Satiricus.
“Na play de ass, Sato,” snapped Bungi. “Me bin hungry and de plane start fuh get hat and me start fuh cuss!”
“Bungi didn’t want people to know,” said Hari. “But they dragged him off the plane.”
“So did they beat you?” asked Satiricus solicitously.
“Naah!” said Bungi. “Dem gi’e me some doubles an’ coc’nut wata an’ seh me a de fuss Guyanese wah complain!”