Heritage Spirits

Satiricus was thinking about his heritage. It was “Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month” and he’d been told everyone should celebrate everyone else’s heritage. Wasn’t it great that Guyana was a “land of six peoples”?? Now he and the fellas at the Back Street Bar had the opportunity to sample the spiritous contribution of every one of those six peoples in Heritage month!!
“Suh which waan abee guh start wid?” asked Cappo, to the other fellas. The Owner of the bar had been forewarned and had all the different drinks on hand.
“Bring de Paiwari!” said Bungi to the waitress. “An’ bring some Pepsi fuh wash am dong!”
“I know one of the old Governor Light said it was a “filthy drink” said Hari, “But do you have to further desecrate it with Pepsi?”
“I think Cappo’s worried about who and who chewed up the cassava to ferment the Paiwiri!!” said Satiricus, as the waitress poured out the bottle into their four glasses.
The fellas downed their Paiwiri in a single go, then washed it down with a chaser of their choice, as the waitress brought a bottle of wine and new glasses.
“This is the Ogogoro palm Wine from West Africa, where most of our African brothers came from you know,” pointed out Hari.
After they downed the Ogogogo, Bungi, exclaimed to the waitress who’d brought another bottle of wine, “Daa was good stuff gyaal!”
“Ahhh…de Putagee drink!” said Cappo as the waitress did the honours and poured it out.
“Aren’t you worries the grapes were mashed by the feet of the women in the vineyard?” asked Satiricus with a smile.
“Naah…de wine wou’da clean dem foot!” said Cappo as he clinked his glass with the fellas and drained the wine in a single gulp.
As the waitress brought the Bhang – ganja boiled in milk – Satiricus said, “Could I pass on this fellas? I’m feeling woozy!”
“But this is your own Heritage,” said Hari. “You have to take it down!”
But it was the Bhang that took Satiricus down. And he didn’t get to sample the Chinese Baijiu, which floored them all!!