Hoity toity schooling

Satiricus had a hard day at the office. Meaning: he had to listen to his editor blather on and on about him not keeping to the deadlines. While he didn’t dare utter it aloud, he thought it a bit much for the jerk to blame him for being tardy when it was he who’d tied up Satiricus with his bitching and moaning about Faye’s — the private school his son attended — hiking their fees by 42%!
“He was lucky they didn’t raise the fees by 50%, like the Cabinet did with their salaries,” he said dourly to the fellas at the Back Street Bar.
“Ooooh! Sato!” exclaimed Bungi, as he clinked his beer bottle with Sairicus’. “Yuh criticisin’ Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat!!”
“But Sato gat waa p’int, yuh know,” said Cappo.
“And what’s the point?” asked Hari mildly.
“Dat de Cyabinet salary raise and Faye school fee raise connect,” continued Cappo.
“A’rite,” said Bungi, “Abee a lis’en.”
“Yuh know how abee a seh big baatle and lil baatle cyaan deh pan de same shelf?” asked Cappo.
“Eh-eh,” said Bungi. “Big maan and lil bai cyaan drink a’ de same table!”
“Da rite!” said Cappo approvingly. “An’ big shat and lil shat gat fuh know dem place, too!”
“And wha’ dah gat fuh do wid Cyabinet salary an’ Faye school fee?” demanded Bungi.
“Yes! Pray tell,” said Hari as Satiricus waited for this to play out.
“Well, yuh gat fuh fin’ wan way fuh know who a big shat and who a lil shat!’ replied Cappo.
“I get it!” interrupted Satiricus. “So the Cabinet big salary and Faye’s big fees let everybody know they are big shot!!”
“Da rite, Sato,” said Cappo. “Suh yuh baas na sh’u’d complain. De mo’ Faye raise dem school fee, de mo people guh t’ink he a wan big shat!”
“So you don’t think Faye will lower their fees?” asked Hari.
“Naah!” replied Cappo as he picked up his beer. “De mo’ dem charge, de mo rush dem guh get!! Ev’rybady waan fuh tu’n big shat nowadays!!”

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