Huge voice


Satiricus was grinning from ear to ear. He and his buddy, Cappo, were sidling into the Back Street Bar for their daily fortification, before they went home after work.

“Cappo, you are looking at a very happy man!” Satiricus said, as they took their customary seats at a back table.

“Me see da,” Cappo said, “Yuh get wan raise, or wha’?”

“Better than a raise, old buddy… better than a raise,” Satiricus replied, as he signalled the waitress for two cold ones. “Some good news from the Leader!”

“De Leadah? Which Leadah? De Foundah Leadah?” asked Cappo slyly. “Me hear Pressie bin talk ‘bout Burnt Ham’!”

“Everything is skin teeth with you, Cappo,” replied Satiricus testily. “You know I’m talking about my leader, Rum Jhaat of my party – the KFC.”

“Me see Rum Jhaat ah de Pee-an-See Kangress… ‘e face bin look prappa sa-wa!” said Cappo. “Me na know ‘e woulda talk ah de Kangress. Like ‘e jine dem, or wha’?”

“No Cappo. He didn’t join the Pee-an-See, and that’s what I wanted to tell you,” Satiricus said in a patient tone. “Rum Jhaat said the KFC has a ‘huge voice in coalition’!”

“Suh wha’ de KFC get fram de Pee-an-See wid dem ‘yuge vice’?” Cappo wanted to know. “Naga Man start fuh chair Cabinet now?”

“Look Cappo, why you want to bring up that? That’s water under the bridge. Let’s talk about NOW!” said Satiricus with glee. “Look how Naga Man get to be on the team to judge North-Ton on the emergency warehouse! That is POWER boy!”

“Wha’ suh big ‘bout da?” said Cappo in a puzzled voice.

“Budday!” exclaimed Satiricus exuberantly. “You didn’t see how North-Ton was voted in to the top ranks of the Pee-an-See? And a KFC top leader Naga Man was allowed to judge him!! That’s real power!!”

“But how come dem mek Trottie Man de chair fuh de Committee and nah Naga Man?” Said Cappo with a twinkle in his eye.

“I didn’t think of that,” said Satiricus quietly.