Is IDPADA-G a political organisation?

The pointed question is asked, is the IDPADA-G a political organisation? I am putting forward the question to the directors of this organisation. I further question, what are the primary functions of this organisation or grouping, whatever you would want to call it? Is this grouping meant to be what the name suggests, that is, an organisation that receives public funds earmarked to benefit or uplift peoples of African descent? Which is it?
If it is an organisation for Coloured Peoples, then it behoves us to believe that it should be a philanthropic organisation, or an apolitical non-profit, organisation that utilise donated assets and income to provide socially useful services to a specific race. An institution such as this operates for specific purposes to augment or help in the affairs of those peoples of African descent, which means that it is also exempt from taxes from the Central Government.
Seeing it as a public non-profit organisation and a user of public funds means that all work done for and by this organisation must be publicly accounted for. And herein lies the problem, when questions are asked of their stewardship, what the public gets in return is political hopscotch of reasons why they cannot legally fulfil the requirements of their responsibilities. Such political verbiage would lead anyone to the conclusion that there are many flaws associated with this institution.
Since its inception in 2018, there are a number of glaring anomalies that can be attributed to this organisation. From its early beginnings, the foundation and leadership have much to be desired, it is headed by an active political figure heavily aligned with the PNC/APNU party. This is a definite no-no when it comes to the leadership of a supposedly apolitical organisation. As such, there is no doubt the intentions of the likes of Vincent Alexander being installed there.
Another instance where this so-called institution oversees the affairs of People of African Descent is their actions pre- and post-national Elections 2020. Soon after those elections, the Chairman of IDPADA-G wrote to the Chairwoman of Caricom to come to Guyana to look into the results of that election. Prime Minister Mia Mottley then gathered 5 prime ministers of Caricom who came to Guyana to quell the dispute.
But before I speak to the coming together of 5 Prime Ministers of Caricom, permit me to peruse certain excerpts of Alexander’s letter. In his diatribe, “He beseeched them to look beyond elections,” a clear call for the leaders to ignore the results of the March 2020 Elections and support Alexander’s rigging plan. He goes on to say “our lives are in your hands,” another dog whistle call for the Caricom Leaders to support a racist agenda.
In short, he wanted the Esteemed Leaders to do his dirty work and support the Loser and help his party to retain power. When a man can have such a vested interest in the affairs of his party you may well imagine what he is capable of doing being the head of an Afro-centric Institution such as IDPADA-G.
I shudder to think what would become of our reparation proceeds if this falls into the hands of an organisation led by Alexander. I say no more! The fact is neither the PNC nor its extension IDPADA-G are representatives of the Black Race in Guyana, and I do not want them to come remotely close to anything Black or representation of the Race. I must make this point abundantly clear! I think I am not alone in this call as I rest my case.
Neil Adams