“It hard for me to get food” – pregnant mother of 6 seeks help for Christmas
By Andrew Carmichael
A 29-year-old mother of six who lives on the East Bank of Berbice is now finding it difficult to cope as her husband has been imprisoned.
One of the wishes of Rominia Benedict of Rotterdam Village East Bank Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) is to be able to enjoy Christmas with her children.
29-year-old mother of six, Rominia Benedict
Speaking with this publication, Benedict said that she has met hard times and, on many occasions, she does not know where the next meal is coming. She is hoping that with a little assistance from anyone her circumstances will change this Christmas.
Her children are ages 19 months; two, four, six, eight and 10 and she is currently seven months pregnant.
The 29-year-old is struggling to make ends meet after her husband was incarcerated for assaulting his parents.
“All the children is one father. Right now, things rough with me to look after the children. It hard for me to get food to feed them. The clothes I can’t afford it,” she said, adding that four of her children would usually attend school but because if her circumstances they were unable to do so for the past two months.
She related that she moved from Region Ten (Upper Demerara-Berbice) and now residing in Region Six, which is closer to her husband’s relatives. She is hoping that the children can recommence school in January after she has successfully completed their transfers.
Benedict has been living in Berbice for the past two months and her husband was gainfully employed but the company suddenly closed.
She said that after the company closed its doors her husband was given $200,000 and they moved to Berbice hoping for a better life.
“We use to live Corentyne, he buy a land from his father and his father (allegedly) sell back the land behind he back. That is how we end up coming here and end up like this. I aint even get light so we have to sleep in the dark. I cook one time a day because I aint really get any foodstuff. Things really rough with me because it is me alone and nobody don’t help me with nothing,” she said as she broke down in tears.
The mother of six said her mother was murdered when she was an infant and she does not know her father, relating that she was raised by a stranger for whom she is grateful.
“When I meet 16, me and this boy take up,” she said referring to her husband.
The eight feet by ten feet house in which the young mother now resides has two hammocks and a mattress which Benedict said it is still inadequate apart from being uncomfortable.
The mother and the six children are living along Koka Dam at Rotterdam. She does not have a telephone.
When this publication visited the woman seemed overwhelmed with complaints for the kids but was able to find joy in coping with the challenges as she looks forward to having her Christmas wish met.
Asked if she wanted the children to be put into an orphanage, she said no.
“I struggle a lot with my kids and I wouldn’t like that to happen,” she said, adding that all she needs is some food items and zinc to cover her home and she will be okay.