Satiricus was sick and tired of people digging up the past. And so he was in a grumpy mood as he and his buddies celebrated Thanksgiving. Even though he knew about this quaint American festival when they sacrificed the fattest turkey they could find and their entire family would pray over it, this was the first time he’d actually be participating.
“Bai Sato, me su’prise Cappo rememba abee and sen’ somet’ing fuh abee celebrate T’anksgivin’!!” said Bungi. “Mus’ tell am me gi’e t’anks to he.”
“I’m not surprised Bungi,” replied Satiricus. “Cappo know how things brown in Guyana with us.”
“But it’s not brown for everyone,” interjected Hari. “You hear Edge Bill explain how much our Ministers will get just from their 50% raise?”
“Me hear,” nodded Bungi. “Edge Bill seh waan Billian dallah. But how much a wan billian dallah?”
“Well, look at it this way,” explained Hari. “You know how much that house you built last year cost you?”
“Budday!! Me had to tek out loan fuh buil’ dat house!” exclaimed Bungi. “Four millian dalla! Me na know w’en me guh pay da back!”
“Well, the $1B increase can build 250 houses like that!!!” said Hari in a disgusted voice. “And imagine that is only the RAISE! What about the rest?”
“An’ dem get DUTY-free cyaar an’ t’ing,” marveled Bungi. “Dem should really do dis T’anksgivin’ t’ing!”
“But hold it fellas!” interjected Satiricus. “Don’t you think our Ministers deserve to live properly?”
“But na dem same Ministah bin a seh abee cyaan live in caddilac style in an dankey cyaa’t ecanamy?” inquired Bungi.
“But you don’t understand,” replied Satiricus. “They’re just showing us how we will all live when we finish with the “dankey cyaart” economy.”
“But that’s putting the “dankey” before the “cyaart”, isn’t it?” grinned Hari. “And those donkeys will gallop away and leave us in the dirt!”
“Leh abee drink to Cappo,” suggested Bungi as he clinked his beer bottle to his buddies’. “At least he rememba abee!”