Satiricus was in trepidation. He knew he was going to get it good when he got to the Back Street Bar. But there was nothing he could do about it. He wondered if his leader Nagga Man was still affected by all that anaesthesia he’d inhaled over in the States. “Why in the hell would he make such statements?” he fumed to himself as he trudged to his appointed Inquisition!
“A whe’ yuh leada l’arn law?” Bungi demanded even before Satiricus could sit down.
“The same place alyu Attorney General study,” replied Satiricus gruffly as he started on his waiting beer. He’d decided offence was going to be his ONLY defence.
“Well, ‘e mussee skulk den, beca’se he jus’ talk wan load a sh*t ‘bout de law!” said Cappo just as truculently.
“All right…all right, Cappo, calm down,” said Hari quietly. “Don’t forget Nagga Man entered law school as a pensioner. His brain was gone!!”
“So tell me what my leader said that was so out of place,” Satiricus demanded.
“Well, ‘e seh de Pee-Pee-Cee na should charge dem Ministah fuh t’ief!” exploded Bungi. “Dat de ole AG na know de law!”
“Budday even wan cane-cutta like me know regula’ people can bring charge pan people w’en dem t’ief or do wrang t’ing!” said Cappo.
“It’s not the charge,” said Satiricus. “Nagga Man said the matter was handled already in parliament!”
“Sato, don’t play the fool,” said Hari. “Minister Morton didn’t even get a slap on the wrist for giving away $450 MILLION for bottom house warehouse!!’
“Well, they removed him and put him in another Ministry!” countered Satiricus slapping the table.
“Budday, an da why de DPP na sh’uda drap de case!” said Bungi triumphantly. “Da evidence Minista Morton fo somet’ing wraang!!”
“An’ as fuh Minista Vulga, she na gat shame,” said Cappo. “Jus’ like Nagga Man.”
“And why is that?” demanded Satiricus.
“Well, she replaced Minister Morton who got fired for his Pee an See friend thiefing and then she went and had her Pee an See friend thief $605Million!!” said an exasperated Hari.
“I give up!” said Satiricus. “Let’s drink!”