Modi Mania

Satiricus was caught in a quandary. As he hurried over to the Back Street bar, a frisson of excitement swept over him and he shivered! Here it was, Moti, his favourite politician in the entire world was coming to his country. All right…he conceded, he’s also going to Trinidad, Jamaica and Suriname…but what the heck? He was going to see his hero in the flesh!! But his dilemma was he didn’t know how his local leaders, Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat would react.
“Is it a betrayal?” he asked his friends around the table anxiously. “Do you think they would mind?”
“Budday!! Hero na like wife!” said Cappo reassuringly. “Yuh can gat nuff a dem!!”
“Yes!” agreed Bungi. “Me like Black Panta, and me like Supaman too!”
“But you don’t understand Sato’s problem,” pointed out Hari, as he passed a beer to Satiricus.
“Wha’ da?” asked Cappo.
“His leader Nagga Man announced he’s not Indian,” said Hari. “But Tamil.”
“And…?” asked Bungi who’d been busy finishing off his beer.
“Moti might just think he’s a Tamil separatist!!” chuckled Hari. “But that’s not it.”
“Yes, I’m afraid if I carry on about an Indian, Nagga Man might just throw a fit!” admitted Satiricus.
“Damn right!!” said Hari. “Especially since this is the Indian PM Nagga Man’s water boy cuss out real good!!”
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” said Satiricus. “We in the KFC were told this Moti fella is a dangerous man.”
“Suh how come he a yuh hero?” asked Bungi.
“Well he just made India the fastest growing economy in the world,” said Satiricus.
“Me can see wha’ mek ‘e suh dangerous!” chuckled Cappo.
“Yuh rite!” smiled Bungi. “Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat jine up wid de Pee an’ See even doh dem bin mek Guyana de fastes’ shrinkin’ ecanamy in de worl’!!”
“Well, I like how he don’t wear suit and tie!!” said Hari.
“Da dangerous!!” said Bungi. “Me like dat ves’ t’ing too!”