Satiricus was grinning from ear to ear as he ambled towards the Back Street Bar. For sure, time was longer than twine! Look how long this Clown Clerk had been throwing his weight around. If he’d been a tag-team wrestler, he could’ve held the world championship by now! Anyhow, justice was being done and no one would be able to pick on him today.
“So what do you fellas think about the Clown Clerk and the CoI?” asked Satiricus as soon as he sat down and reached for a beer. “When Cow deh a pasture he nah remember dat dog and butcher deh, till he see am. “Eh! Eh! Sato, like yuh bin a ta’k to yuh Nanie, or wha’?” said Cappo, with a smile.
“But de only t’ing, Sato,” interrupted Bungi, before Satiricus could answer. “Dis cow bin know ‘bout de daag an’ butcha wha’ wait fuh am!”
“But this is justice being done at long last!” protested Satiricus. “Look how we found out he leased that wharf that didn’t even belong to the city!!”
“But didn’t he lease so many other lands before that he also had no authority to do?” asked Hari. “How come a CoI only now.”
“Yes!” said Cappo. “Pick sense fram nansense!”
“What’re you fellas talking about?” asked Satiricus in a desperate voice. “Aren’t you happy the Clown Clerk might be going to jail?”
“Me bet yuh ‘e na get none jail time,” said Bungi. “Sato dis a wan set up!”
“What do you mean?” asked Satiricus in a worried voice.
“Sato, it’s only because the municipal elections are due,” said Hari. “The Pee an’ See need a scapegoat to show the people they’re changing the thiefin’ old guard!”
“Yuh na see de Ma’re a run again fun May-ya?” asked Bungi. “But na she an’ de Crown Clerk bin do ev’ryt’ing like batty and poe?”
“As soon as de election ova, de Crown clerk guh get wan nice posi-shan some place,” said Cappo firmly.
“So that’s why my KFC didn’t oppose the Ma’re?” said Satiricus, slowly. “Let’s take a drink.”