Satiricus was grinning from ear to ear as he ambled towards the Back Street Bar. His Warriors had pushed politics from his table at the bar; and cricket, glorious cricket it was!! The fellas wouldn’t get any opportunity to tantalise HIM today!! He wouldn’t even have to defend Rum Jhaat’s ridiculous statement on bandits NOT targeting” Chinese supermarkets! Happy days were here again!!
“Bai, me prappa glad Trinidad beat dem Patriat,” smiled Bungi as they each started on their first cold one of the day.
“Yuh like Trinidad?” Cappo asked his friend in surprise. “Like yuh fuget how dem insult abee all dem time?”
“Me na fuget,” responded Bungi. “But dis a abee time fuh get revenge. And da wha’ mek me glad dem win!”
“But they’re playing in their home town, you know,” pointed out Hari. “They’ll be getting all that energy from the Trini posse!”
“They can even bring in Jesse James and HIS posse,” said Satiricus. “THEY CAN’T AMBUSH US! This is our year, my friends!”
“But I want to be the devil’s advocate, fellas,” said Hari. “Since we beat them twice this season, won’t the law of average be against us this time?”
“Like yuh t’ink dem bais a play cricket like w’en yuh t’row dice, or wha’?” asked Cappo a bit testily. “Ev’ry time yuh play, a wan new game!”
“Well, the Trinis will also be more motivated, won’t they?” asked Satiricus, a bit hesitantly.
“Sato, me fr’en, abee Warriah beat dem Trini two time dis seazin,” said Bungi. “Like yuh fu’get abee cou’da win four time befo’?”
“THAT should be motivation enough!” conceded Hari.
“My friends, you know I’m not a superstitious fella,” said Satiricus. “But this time I can’t leave anything to chance.”
All eyes swivelled towards Satiricus. “You mean…?” asked Hari.
“Yes!” confirmed Satiricus as he stuck out his tongue for the fellas to confirm. “I’m putting my black tongue on our boys!!”
“Not’ing can stap abee fram bringin’ hope de prize this year!!” said Cappo, as they clinked bottles all around.