Satiricus’ heart swelled with pride. The Bannuh now in charge of “Citizenship” – including deciding who’s allowed in and who’s deported or who gets passports and such like – had just announced he was receiving more than 100 applications weekly from New York alone for Guyanese passports.
“Cappo! What patriotism!” Satiricus exclaimed to his best buddy Cappo as they quaffed their first beer of the day at the Back Street Bar. They had waited patiently for the minute hand of the clock to pass 12. The forms had been observed.
“Ah wha’ yuh talk about, Sato?” inquired Cappo, who was used to Sariricus’ speaking as if people saw subtitles on what went on inside his head.
“Didn’t you read our Immigration department’s receiving more than 100 requests from New York every week for passports?” demanded Satiricus. “These are Guyanese Americans who feel so patriotic after our Jubilee they want to exercise dual citizenship!”
Cappo looked carefully at Satiricus as he ordered another beer. It was very hot. “Suh wha mek dem want abee passport? Dem can still come back ah Guyana wid dem American passport and show dem patriotism w’en dem want.”
“That’s the point, Cappo,” said Satiricus patiently. “They just want to show they are Guyanese to the bone!”
“Maybe the Bannuh in charge ah passport want dem fuh come back and vote fuh de Pee-an- Cee?” asked Cappo with a smile, as he continued looking at Satiricus closely.
“C’mon Cappo!” sputtered Satiricus. “Is why you bad minded so? You need an ID card to vote, not a passport. Our overseas Guyanese brothers and sisters just want to identify with our beautiful Guyana!”
“OK! Sato…leh me ask yuh some’ting,” said Cappo as he leaned over the table. “Yuh know me gat wan Aantie in New Yark?”
“Yeah…Aunty Dularie,” agreed Satiricus. “She applied for passport too?”
“Yep!” answered Cappo. “But yuh know wha’ mek she apply?”
“Because she want to show how much she love Guyana!” insisted Sariricus smugly.
“Nah…she jus’ want fuh collect de ,000 Old Age Pension she hear ‘bout w’en she come back fuh Jubilee!” chortled Cappo as he slapped the table.
“What?” exclaimed Satiricus, as his jaw fell.
“Yes Budday! She tell me wife she ah come back when she get de passport fuh put abee address like she live ya-suh!” explained Cappo with satisfaction. “Patriotism me foot!”