PNC good old boy network was having the good life at taxpayers’ expense

Dear Editor,
Revelations that PNC old-timers were just squatting on the payrolls of various Ministries and not having real jobs must be treated as fraud. Collecting money under false pretence is a crime. Those who aided and abetted in these frauds must be charged forthwith and taken before the courts. All these frauds unearthed by the new PPP Administration must be documented in a publication for all to see. Who says the PNC people were not enjoying the good life, while the poor people were sucking salt and hoping for handouts of hampers?
Under the PNC, the number of special workers, with special extravagant pay and benefits, skyrocketed. Why should Clarke make almost $500,000 a month when UG lecturers and teachers with good qualifications and experience do not make that kind of money?
This is a good example of how politics destroys Guyana. We have the money and resources but look at how politicians are looting the treasury to reward their loyalists and operatives.
This is as bad as the special bill passed to reward a PNC strongman a special pension of over a million a month plus other perks, although he may already be getting a good US social security pension, and maybe City Hall benefits. This was the fellow who was advocating that the sanctimonious gangster throw aside the Constitution and stay in power. Is there a way that Green’s pension and perks can be revoked? When you consider the misery of the poor and unemployed, that a special bill was introduced to reward a notorious PNC bad man, is a slap in the face of the people. That he headed the list of national awardees was also so shameful and part of Granger’s “sanitisation” process of former PNC operatives who did yeoman’s service in the PNC’s rigging operations of the past.
While we are rooting out these PNC scams, please close the Bertram Collins Centre at Ogle and send home those military pensioner guys making $2 million a month. That was a totally unnecessary programme in Region Four which would have made sense if it was located in the rural communities such as the Corentyne, Essequibo Coast, or West Coast Demerara, where people need to be trained for employment in Government service, and so contribute towards a diverse workplace. The Government must speedily work on some type of a workplace affirmative action/diversity plan. This is urgently needed as we speak of inclusive governance. The blogs are filled with comments that as the new Ministers are meeting with staff they notice very little diversity in the various Ministries. Will the Public Service Minister be the one to address this lack of diversity in the workplace and come up with a plan?

Jerry Singh