Satiricus was in a good mood as he ambled over to the Back Street Bar. It wasn’t only November was coming to an end, Christmas – and ALL its good cheer – was around the corner. “No, siree Bob!” thought Satiricus. It was because his leaders Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat had finally said, “Enough is enough!!” and told the Pee-an’-See all bets were off!
“So, how about them apples!!” Satiricus exclaimed to his friends already gathered at their favourite watering hole.
“Wha’ yuh a ta’k about?” asked Bungi, who was on his second beer. “Yuh t’ink abee can read yuh min’?”
“Didn’t you fellas read about my fearless leaders Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat reading the riot act to Prezzie and the Pee-an-See?” Satiricus said indignantly, as he took the beer the waitress brought.
“Wha’ da?” demanded Cappo. “All me read, dem sapport Prezzie fuh pick de GECOM Chief by ‘e self!”
“Yes, there was that,” admitted Satiricus. “But they also demanded the “Coming-and-Going Accord” be changed!!”
“Budday!!” laughed Hari, who had been focusing on his beer up to now. “NOW they want to change the Accord? Like they thought it was a Honda Accord, or what?!!”
“Better late than never!” exclaimed Satiricus.
“Sato, me fr’en’, dew cyaan full wah raid na full!” said Bungi.
“Fuh three year Nagga Man an’ Rum Jhaat na seh nuttin when dem get larwah,” continued Cappo. “Wha’ mek Pee-an-See guh lis’en to dem now?”
“Well, they could pull out their support!” insisted Satiricus. “And the government will fall!”
“That’s the point,” said Hari. “Why didn’t they pull out when Nagga Man couldn’t chair Cabinet?”
“Or Rum Jhaat can only close rum shap!” grinned Bungi.
“My leaders are honourable men,” said Satiricus. “They are waiting till the “Coming-and-Going Accord” finish next February, to see if Pee-an’-See will treat them better.”
“Good luck!” said Cappo with a snort. “Like Nagga Man and Rum Jhaat want flambeau fuh see in bright daylight!!’