Satiricus was furious with what was happening to his leader Nagga Man. Here he was, a faithful follower of the KFC, trying to toe the party line, but was getting confused about that line. Satiricus was fuming about the coalition Government’s relationship with India as he strode towards the Back Street Bar.
“Suh who upset yuh dis time?” asked Bungi mildly, as Satiricus dropped into his seat.
“Lemme ask you fellas something,” said Satiricus while accepting the bottle of beer from the waitress. “Am I living in a parallel universe, or something?”
“Well, to tell the truth,” grinned Hari. “Sometimes I wonder!”
“No seriously,” replied Satiricus earnestly. “Wasn’t it only last week my leader Nagga Man’s media hack announced India was the source of all that was evil on the planet?”
“Me rememba ‘e seh somet’ing like da,” said Cappo as he downed his beer. “But me na pay am no mind. ‘E bassidie!”
“But the man is the Director of Public Information!” exclaimed Satiricus. “What he says comes directly from my leader Nagga Man.”
“OK…OK, Sato,” said Bungi placatingly. “Suh wha’ de problem now?”
“Well, the Media Hack pointed out India was interfering with our internal politics,” said Satiricus. “And now we have the proof!”
“What’s that?” asked Hari as he signalled the waitress for refills. “This is serious!”
“Didn’t you read Greenbridge and Trot Man just went to India to sign all kinds of agreement?” demanded Satiricus indignantly.
“Yes, me read da,” said Cappo. “Suh wha’?”
“So what? So What?” exploded Satiricus. “That’s the political interference!!?
“Really?” asked Bungi. “Me t’ink Nagga Man Watah-Bai bin seh India a interfere fuh Jagdesh.”
“Man, like you forgot Trot Man took away the Speaker and Minister of Governance jobs from Nagga Man!” said Satiricus angrily.
“And Green Bridge wanted Grain Ja job in the Pee an’ See!” said Hari with surprise. “It now makes sense!”
“Well, I hope the Government now break ties with India!” said Satiricus.
“Leh abee drink to da!” said Bungi.