

Satiricus was transfixed. He and the fellas were looking at the inauguration of Donald Trump on the big-screen TV at the Back Street Bar. The joint was packed, even though it was a work day. Satiricus had told his editor he was going to do a report on how ordinary Guyanese reacted to Trump’s election. As he bought beers all around for the fellas, they chuckled as he told them the paper would pay since he was doing “research”.

“Suh res’arch me, den,” said Bungi, as he quaffed his beer from a mug. He had decided to try the draft beer the Back Street bar had introduced, since it was free courtesy of Satiricus.

“Well, what do you think of Trump?” asked Satiricus. “Feel free to comment on anything about him.”

“Yuh gat fuh respec’ wan maan who can gat waan wife a’ ‘ee side and two in de crowd!” grinned Bungi. “If me lef’ me wife an’ she see me, ah murdah guh happen!”

“Fair enough,” replied Satiricus. “Even though I know you joking, I think lots of Americans see him as a “macho man” and voted for him because of that.”

“Me nah bin a joke!” came back Bungi’s quick retort. “Suh wha you t’ing Hari?”

“About the wives or Trump?” Hari wanted to know. “I like Ivana for the daughter she produced! Classy!”

“OK, fellas, how about we stick to Trump?” said Satiricus in resignation. “I still have to write a story, you know.”

“Well… write that Guyanese like Trump because he is a ‘wife man’?!” said Hari. “He’s like a real Caribbean man!”

“How about what he said?” asked Satiricus desperately.

“Budday, palitishan does seh all kinda t’ing dem na mean,” noted Bungi. “Trump seh ‘ee ah talk to all American people. But de only people who come fuh hear ‘e ah white people.”

“So what about you, Hari?” asked Satiricus, as he ordered another round of beer.

“I like Trump for one main reason,” said Hari with a smirk. “All those Guyanese who like to “play American” when they come back to Guyana, will find out who is the “real American” now!”

They clinked glasses and bottles all around as Trump came off the podium.