Satiricus was puzzled. He knew he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the room – any room! – but he couldn’t understand what the argument was all about on this GE-CON Chairman. As usual, he and his cohorts were fortifying themselves at the Back Street Bar and having been there for some two hours, their tongues had been well lubricated for wagging.
“I thought if there was going to be any argument,” Satiricus offered, “it was going to be over still calling the person ‘ChairMAN’ rather than ‘ChairWOMAN’ or ‘ChairPerson’!”
“Well, this GECOM thing stated before the MILLION WOMAN March, you know!” chuckled Hari. “But maybe that’s why Jagdesh put in that lady on his list?”
“Me jus’ waan somebady fuh tell me wha’ mek only wan judge “fit an’ prapa” fuh count abee vote,” demanded Bungi, whose voice was beginning to slur, just a wee bit.
“It’s not just the counting Bungi,” said Satiricus. “I think they want somebody who can stand the pressure when the votes counting – and the losing side wants to make trouble.”
“So you do know what the fuss is all about,” Hari pointed out. “Well, not really,” answered Satiricus. “I’m not sure why Prezzie think only a Judge can withstand pressure!”
“Damn right!” exploded Bungi. “Yuh know how much pressha me tek when me fetch t’ree ton cane pan me head ev’ry day fuh twenty year??!!”
“You even see those lawyers begging Judges every day to let their clients off?” asked Satiricus. “That’s pressure!”
“It’s called ‘pleading’!” snickered Hari. “But it’s a different kinda pressure when people marching in front your house, because the counting not going their way,” explained Hari.
“A’right me andastan’ dat,” confessed Bungi. “But wha’ mek only wan judge na friken people when dem a march?”
“Bungi’s right, you know Sato,” said Hari looking at Satiricus, who still sported his puzzled look. “The fella who survived GECON for the last ten years is a Vet. THEY never have pressure.””Budday!” exclaimed Bungi. “Yuh evah cut aff wan Pit Bull nuts?” They clinked their bottles. “Everybody face pressure and are fit and proper,” said Satiricus.