War break… on tariffs

Well…this is it: Trump’s crossed the Rubicon!! Just like Caesar knew crossing the Rubicon River into Italy with his troops, was declaring war against the Roman Republic, Trump knows that keeping his promise and slapping a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada – it’s “war break”!! He also slapped a 10% tariff on Chinese goods – but everyone expected that, including the Chinese Commies!! He’d done so during his first term and even Sleepy Joe had selectively continued with that policy.
China’s the enemy trying to take on; take down and take out the USA, innit?? Even Mexico wasn’t totally unexpected – they’re coloured, right- like with dropping the first atomic bomb on Japan rather than Germany!! But Canada??!! Jeez…that’s like America stabbing it’s own kid brother- who’d only decided to live with Mommy England a bit longer than they had!! Run into a Canadian abroad and most folks can’t tell them apart from a Yank!! Remember that rescue of six Americans from Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis when they were passed off as Canadian citizens – dramatized in the movie Argo with Ben Affleck??
Anyhow, we now know that while some figured Trump was talking tough as a bargaining ploy, he wasn’t bluffing – as we’d seen on the deportation of “undocumented” foreigners!! This is Trump’s take on “How to win friends and influence enemies”!! It should be clear to all and sundry (especially the “sundry”!) that Trump feels America was – and is – being taken advantage of by its friends. And he’s gonna “put America first” – to Make America Great Again”!! While some may snicker at the seemingly simplistic policy formulations, they should make life easier for players in the international arena. They don’t have to think and double think – what they hear is what they’ll get from Trump!!
But just as THEY’d promised, Mexico and Canada responded with retaliatory tariffs!! Game on!! WE now have a three-way Mexican Standoff between America and it’s two neighbours. We just gotta wait and see who’s gonna blink first! With reciprocal tariffs slapped in both directions, all three countries will now see prices escalating domestically on those goods affected – as importers and retailers pass on the tariffs as cost!! Each leader expects their citizens to tighten their belts – and open up their wallets – as inflation kicks in. The question is whether Trump’s expectation that Americans businesses will step up to the plate and start producing the targeted goods domestically!!
He ain’t up for re-election –this is his last hurrah – unless he really believes he can reintroduce a third term exception!! Meanwhile, Trump’s threat to Russia to end the Ukraine War; to BRICS to quit trying to replace the dollar; to purchase Denmark are next!!

…with PNC
Just when your Eyewitness thought it was safe to go back into the water, up comes Simona “Boom Out” Broomes announcing a new party to contest the upcoming elections – the “Assembly For Liberty and Prosperity (ALP)”!! We know they’ll never been too many dull days with Simona on the campaign trail!! Remember when she went berserk on the guard when her fried rice order was delayed by him at Amazonia Mall? Or when her driver Boogie Dex were arrested and placed in custody for the brutal beating they inflicted on two men??
Anyhow – even though she denied it when asked – this is definitely a move to cut down Aubrey Norton as head of the Opposition. Everyone and their uncle know that Broomes ain’t getting no Indian or Amerindian votes – even though she did help Mona when her 15 minutes of fame turned sour!! The question is, why split the PNC votes??
It’s just a stick to force Aubrey to allow another leader step in as leader!!

…on Essequibo Beauty
Maduro ain’t letting up!! While everyone was looking at Trump’s representative Grenfell negotiating with him, he sent a Beauty Queen representing ‘Guyana Esequiba’ – which he said he’s annexed – in the Miss Reina Hispanoaméricana Pageant in Bolivia!!