Satiricus and company were mulling over the just finished Mash 2017 at their usual watering hole – the Back Street Bar. They hadn’t bothered to go this year to gawk at the gyrations and bodily exposures as was their wont over the years. As Bungi put it, “Things brong!” They looked at the goings on from the TV perched precariously over the glasses behind the counter.
“Dem Ministah put aan some pound, Budday!” Bungi exclaimed in amazement. “But dem can still flounce!”
“That’s not flouncing, Bungi. That’s ‘backballing’,” said Hari. “Flouncing is at Masquerade.”
“Talking about Masquerade, that used to be only around Christmas time,” Satiricus complained. “Now these Masqueraders blocking up the traffic at Mash time, now.”
“But at leas’ dem na gat de bull cow,” confessed Bungi. “Me bin really friken da when me lil!”
“Well, from the people I saw winin’ down Brickdam,” grinned Hari. “I don’t think we needed cows of any sort! Bull or otherwise!”
“Now… now,” scolded Satiricus. “Be nice!”
“But I’m serious fellas,” retorted Hari. “Did you see the size of most of those who were Mashin’ down? We have a serious obesity problem in Guyana!”
“Hari, da na Guyana: all a dem who bin a backball a people who wuk wid de guvment,” said Bungi. “Yuh evah see wan fat cane-cuttah?”
“Well I spoke to Cappo last night in New York on Skype,” reported Satiricus. “And that is one cane cutter who put on size!!”
“But he’s not cutting cane anymore,” objected Hari. “How’s he doing?”
“He says he might come back to Guyana,” said Satiricus.
“’E miss abee, na?” said Bungi hopefully, who actually missed his cane-cutting buddy. “’e miss de beer!”
“Naa,” replied Satiricus laconically. “Because Trump hunting down immigrants!”
“’E hear ‘bout da ‘merican who shoot wan fariner who look just he?” Bungi wanted to know.
“That’s what made him want to come back,” replied Satiricus soberly. “Even though he’ll lose weight!”