CARICOM joins Pres Ali, world leaders in condemning Brazil anti-democracy mobs

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has joined President Dr. Irfaan Ali and other world leaders in denouncing the anti-democracy mobs in Brazil, who have targeted institutions of state including the Presidential palace to protest the removal of far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro.
In their statement. CARICOM registered their strong condemnation of the protests by what they called a “misguided mob”. They went on to urge the quick restoration of order and that those responsible be held accountability.

A scene from the riots in Brazil on Sunday

“The Caribbean Community strongly condemns the violent invasion of government buildings that occurred in Brasília today by a misguided mob refusing to accept the results of free and fair democratic elections.”
“Those involved should be held to account. We welcome the quick restoration of order. CARICOM reaffirms its unwavering commitment to democracy and the rule of law,” the secretariat said.
On Sunday, President Ali joined a number of world leaders in condemning the anti-democracy attacks. In his statement, Ali made it clear that those who use violence to subvert democracy must be brought to a swift justice.
The President went on to call on all stakeholders to be responsible and not be part of such unacceptable behavior. He also made it clear that Guyana stands with the law-abiding people of Brazil, as well Brazilian institutions.
“We condemn every attempt and attack against the Presidency and democratic institutions of Brazil. Those who utilize violence to subvert democracy must be brought swiftly to Justice. We call on all stakeholders to be responsible and not be part of this unacceptable behavior. Guyana stands with the law-abiding people of Brazil and the institutions of the state in defense of democracy,” the President said in the statement.
Following the attacks on Brazilian institutions, President Da Silva at a press conference had blamed his predecessor. For his part, Bolsonaro flew to Florida 48 hours before his mandate ended. He was absent from da Silva’s inauguration.
Ali had previously joined other regional leaders in Brasilia on January 2 for the inauguration of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The President has also publicly said that he will be seeking to meet with da Silva in the coming months, to discuss Guyana’s shared development trajectory with Brazil.
“I have already requested through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a bilateral letter with the new President [elect] of Brazil because we have to start very early to ensure that timelines are not missed,” President Ali had said, during the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) awards ceremony and dinner in December.
Among the topics expected to be discussed is the construction of a deep-water harbour linking Guyana with Brazil that will boost trade and logistics. President Ali had previously discussed the project with then President Bolsonaro when he visited Guyana last year. And he made it clear that the deep-water harbour is still high on the agenda.
“We’re now working, very actively, on ensuring that Guyana will have and must have our own deep-water harbour. That deep water harbour must be connected to Brazil. And must be built as the premier logistics and trans-shipment hub, for the Caribbean, going up North connecting Brazil. That is the business model,” President Ali had said.