Courtesy, charisma and culture are characteristics of President Ali

Dear Editor,
“Take your sandals off your feet, for the place you stand on is holy ground.” Familiar words are effused to enforce an environment’s sanctity. At the G20 Summit, the privilege of practicing a past and present culture prevailed and prompted leaders to personally participate politely and publicly in principle and not politically.
A typical Indian custom, Prime Minister Narendra Modi garlanded each leader with a matching scarf to welcome them to the G20 Summit 2023, hosted by India and chaired by Bharat’s Modi, last Sunday in New Delhi. The traditional clasp hands for greetings were also accosted with the typical Western handshake to connect the humane communication of friendliness, along with the odd hug to embrace for closer affection. Donning socks and shoes, delegates opted for sandals or to walk barefoot as a mark of respect, to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, the icon of Bharat, at the Raj Ghat memorial site.
Guyana is a land of many waters and races and each nationality is allowed to practice, preach, and participate in their individual cultural upbringing. President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali sets the leading example of perfecting his “One Guyana” theme in order to promote unity among all Guyanese regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, religion, status, political affiliation, residence, or domain. His commitment towards this cause is not only genuine but his sincerity is fashioned in his humility and consistent participation with each and sundry wherever he goes.
President Ali enjoys the freedom of mixing and socializing with anyone, not for any pomp or praise, promotion or parade, and not for any pretense or pride. President Ali is proud of his association with Guyanese of all levels as he continues his “reach the people” tour in all the regions across this land. He started this program from the inception of his office and it includes ministers and members of his cabinet to go along with him. Unlike the Opposition, he does not wait for election time to meet the people and make false promises. He listens to the people, learn of their problems, and immediately begins a process of resolution to provide satisfaction. “Unless you put yourself in a position to understand the problem of all people and all nations then how are you going to understand that leadership? How are you going to define that leadership?” questioned President Ali.
President Ali on Monday addressed the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Centre for South Asian Religions. The Centre’s choice for the president was not by accident but a design to foster a belief in President Ali as being a role model as a president and one creating a precedent for people to follow. The President’s message was without any ambiguity as he clearly stated, “I want us at this leadership conference to reshape the conversation of diversity and differences, and come up with leadership values to promote a positive dispensation of differences and diversity.” President Ali is certainly on course to burn any bridge that links any road to inequality or discrimination. In his rear-view mirror, he sees the likes of Norton, Burke and Hinds fading from sight.
Fulfilling his mandate is the mission of President Dr. Irfaan Ali and he will not be deterred by critics and cynics who spread propaganda. His campaign to interact with people will continue. He declared, “My Government is one of the most accessible governments and if someone has no interest in meeting, that’s it. That’s their choice.” He does not play “hide and seek” and operates with “cloak and dagger” nor does he stay behind closed doors or go in public with an array of protection and security. He does not order truckloads of children and people to be hauled to his meeting place to make up the crowd and have them standing and waiting in the hot sun. A few months ago, he said to a resident in Berbice who was not comfortable with the President’s unannounced visit, “I don’t have any security concern in Guyana. I touch down anywhere anytime in Guyana.” This remark was greeted with a loud applause much to the embarrassment of the lone dissent.
As a President plying unchartered water and navigating a course with storms on the high sea, he has successfully gained the friendship of Guyanese from all backgrounds. President Dr. Irfaan Ali, on the 8th of September 2023, celebrated the observance of Sri Krishna Janmashtami with residents in Region 3 at Crane, West Coast Demerara. Participating and enjoying a meal of dhal and rice and seven curry, he advised, “We must seek enlightenment in our lives so that we will know what is right, we will know what the truth is, we will know where justice lies. We will know who has the best interest of our children; we will know who has the best interest of our country at heart… that is what the religious text in this occasion allows us to understand.” Here is a President who does not refuse to shake hands or is picky and choosy as to where he goes or with whom he meets. Courtesy, charisma, and culture are characteristics of President Ali.
Unlike other leaders who preach and practice hate, violence and racial discrimination, President Irfaan Ali teaches love, peace, and compassion for each fellow human being. On the 5th of September at the ACCC at a two-day International Symposium on the History and Legacy of Muslims in the Caribbean, he proclaimed, “Guyana can be that case study for the rest of the world where persons of a different faith, make up the cabinet, the parliament… and the seamless integration through which each supports the other is one that not only warrants attention but warrants a case study.”
President Irfaan Ali is certainly creating a dynamic dialogue for unity, cohesion and oneness among Guyanese to cooperate, live and work together in order to build a better country, through the richness of our culture.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall