Gowtam Williams, a 31-year-old excavator operator of Hibernia in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), was in the wee hours of Tuesday attacked by two armed bandits, shot nine times, and robbed.
Injured: Gowtam Williams
Reports are that the incident occurred at about 03:30h, when Williams went to use the urinal in front of the Prudence Rum Shop at Good Hope, Essequibo Coast. This newspaper was told that the two armed assailants pounced on Williams, and launched a vicious attack that left him with nine gunshot wounds.
After discharging their firearms, the bandits seized Williams’s iPhone and two gold chains weighing a total of 12 ounces before hastily fleeing the scene.
Williams’s sister, Devika Williams, has said her brother had gone to use the urinal when the two masked and armed gunmen attacked him and fired a shot to his foot.
She said the perpetrators then forcibly removed one of his gold chains and fired a shot at his abdomen. They then seized the second chain along with his phone, and fired additional shots as they made good their escape.
“When they approached my brother, they shoot him to his foot and took one of his chain off. And he held on to the gun and tried to fight back, and they shoot him in he belly and took the other chain and his phone, and fired the other shots and escaped,” she detailed.
Williams was immediately rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital, where he was admitted and remains a patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). He sustained four gunshot wounds to his right foot, two to his left foot, and three to his abdomen.