Tightened security for Port Kaituma teachers’ quarters
The Education Ministry has put mechanisms in place to increase safety at the Port Kaituma, Region One (Barima-Waini) teachers’ quarters, following a break-in last week.
The door that was removed by thieves
Teachers residing in the quarters would have discovered that the building was broken into, and several items belonging to two individuals were stolen. This prompted immediate intervention from Education Minister Priya Manickchand, who assured that the articles would be replaced.
In a subsequent press statement on Friday, the Ministry disclosed that the Department of Education in Region One replaced all dietary, cleaning and other items that were missing.
It further detailed, “Electronic items that could not be sourced in the Region were ordered externally, and those items will be in the Region before the end of this week.”
Additionally, repairs were completed to fix the section that was damaged during the burglary. The steel mesh on the windows was reinforced and grill barriers will be installed shortly on windows. Arrangements were made for security guards to be rotated for protection at nights until more human resources can be placed.
Since these developments, Deputy Chief Education Officer (DCEO) of Amerindian and Hinterland Education Development, Marti DeSouza has visited and inspected the apartments with Regional Education Officer, Nigel Richards.
The window used to gain entry into the teachers’ quarters
“The replacement items were handed over to the affected teachers and they were assured of the Region’s and the Ministry’s support in ensuring their safety and security. The local Police department has agreed to make regular checks/patrols in the neighbourhood, especially during the nights,” the Ministry said.
The teachers have since sent gratitude to Minister Manickchand and Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal, for assistance that followed. (G12)