Satiricus is a true blue Guyanese. His navel string is buried in Guyana. He drinks black creek water whenever he gets a chance. So of course he had to be at the Independence Float Parade. His cousin Georgie from New York was visiting for the Jubilee Bash and was at the Stabroek Square for the Independence Day Parade.
Satiricus and Cappo had accompanied him and had gone for a snack.
“De New Yawk man look like ‘e prappa vex,” said Cappo sarcastically as they espied Georgie. The three had all grown up in the same village and they felt Georgie was now putting on airs.
“But guys, when you left to buy the Salara, you promised to come back “just now”l” Georgie whined at the sweating Satiricus and Cappo. They were holding a brown paper bag with some soggy Salara . “Isn’t that so? Isn’t that so?”
“Bai Georgie, ah na only last year yuh lef fuh New Yark?” pointed out Cappo. “Like yuh fo’get wha “jus’ now” mean ya-suh in Guyana.”
“All I know is “just now” mean almost right away,” said Georgie with a glare.
“Cuz…this Guyana, Cappo didn’t say we coming back “just now”.” said Satiricus placatingly. “He said “jus’ now”. And in your motherland of Guyana “jus’ now” could be anytime between one minute and one week!”
“So when this Float will depart for Jubilee Stadium?” queried Georgie. “We’ve already been here two hours.”
Cappo looked at Georgie right in the face. “Depart?? Jus’ now!” he smiled.
Georgie rolled his eyes. “So tell me guys. How come the Stabroek Market is so clean? What happen to all the vendors? They used to lend so much character to the place.”
Cappo looked at him carefully, “Bai, na you bin get raab right near dat big clack!?”
“And you screamed “Wha’ alyu Mudda suh-an-suh ah do??!!! Gie me back me gol’ chain?” pointed out Satiricus.
“I forget about that,” replied Georgie, a bit sheepishly. “But it did remind me of Times Square.”
“Me na su’prise,” said Cappo quickly, “Me hear you bin get raab da side too!”
Georgie was now quite flustered. “Ah when dis blasted float gon tek aff?? Alyu tek you raas an’ pass me, na? Gi’e me de blasted Salara!”