Home News APNU/AFC files No-Confidence Motion against Ministers of Health, Home Affairs
– over handling of COVID-19, crime rate
The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) has moved to file two No-Confidence Motions with the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Issacs, against Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony and Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn.
The motions were physically filed by Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon, who descended on the National Assembly with a number of his fellow Opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) in tow.
His motion against Dr Anthony is being seconded by former junior Minister of Health, Dr Karen Cummings. On the other hand, his motion against Benn is being seconded by shadow Home Affairs Minister Geeta Chandan-Edmonds.
Upon receiving the motion, the Clerk informed the Opposition Leader that he will examine the motions to ensure they “do not offend the standing orders”, after which they will be transmitted to Speaker of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir, for his approval or disapproval. Issacs did promise Harmon, however, that he would handle the motions expeditiously.
According to a statement from the APNU/AFC afterwards, “…in filing these No Confidence Motions, is acting on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Guyanese who have lost all confidence in the performance of these two incompetent ministers to perform their duties.”
The APNU/AFC contended that “the management of the spread of COVID-19 has been woeful, there has been questionable procurement of vaccines and confirmed COVID cases and deaths are spiraling out of control. Dr. Anthony must bear direct responsibility for the health care crisis and disaster he has placed Guyana in, imperiling the lives and health and wellbeing of every citizen. The nation has lost confidence in Dr. Anthony and we formally take action on behalf of the people of Guyana today.”
However, this position comes on the heels of Harmon discrediting the COVID-19 vaccination campaign by dissuading persons from taking the Sputnik V vaccine. In fact, Harmon in an interview with the media after filing the motion cited this as one of the factors fuelling their “concern.”
Moreover, the APNU/AFC argued in their statement that “crime in all forms is on an astronomical increase in Guyana. Robberies of various kinds, break and enter, murders, vehicular homicides, violent assaults have enveloped the society. Citizens are living in mortal fear.”
At present, the configuration of the National Assembly sees the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) with the parliamentary majority of 33 out of 65 seats. APNU/AFC, the main Opposition party, has 31 seats, while the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), in collaboration with two other parties, holds one.
APNU/AFC is of course intimately familiar with No-Confidence Motions, having fallen to one brought by the then Opposition PPP back in 2018. At the time, APNU/AFC’s 33 seat majority was broken when AFC MP Charrandas Persaud crossed over in a conscience vote against them.
The Opposition Leader’s motions almost mirror similar motions recently filed in nearby Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). Earlier this year, T&T Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar filed a No-Confidence Motion in Parliament against National Security Minister Stuart Young.
And just last month, Opposition MP Dr Rishad Seecheran filed a No-Confidence Motion against Minister of Health Terrance Deyalsingh. In the case of the motion against Young, the Opposition United National Congress (UNC) failed to get the motion passed.