Crime reducing in most categories in Region 5 – Commander
Superintendent Carol Harding
Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) is reporting an increase in serious crime. According to the Regional Commander, Woman Superintendent Carol Harding, serious crime has shown an increase, with murders up by 33 per cent when compared with the corresponding period last year.
There have been four murders in the region so far for the year, compared with three for the corresponding period last year. Of the four, one is still to be solved.
Regional Commander Harding told this publication, “Robberies are not something that we see in Region Five, and we are grateful. Robbery under arms is also something we do not see in the region.”
While no statistics were readily available on domestic violence, Commander Harding said domestic violence is everybody’s business, and if it is not curbed, it can result in many other social issues developing in the society.
The region has reported only one case of larceny for the year, compared with two for the corresponding period last year. Incidents of rape have been reduced from eight as in last year to five this year. Break and enter and larceny stand at 12 incidents, as against 10 for the same period last year. There has been one case of burglary reported in the Region so far this year, as against three incidents for the corresponding period last year.
The commander expressed some concern over the one case of larceny from the person which has occurred in that Region this year. “Last week we had persons from the Mahaicony River parked their boat with the engine, and two of the engines disappeared.”
That incident, she noted, is worrying since, it is not something which occurs in Region 5, since most boat operators in riverine communities relate well with each other.
“With the flooding in the area, we are watching the trend and pattern to see what would happen, because the livelihood of most persons who are farmers and those who rear cattle would not be earning. So, we are looking to see if there will be a trend in larceny, but as long as they have their basic needs met, I don’t think there will be an increase. To my knowledge, the Region and the Government are working assiduously to ensure that relief is being given to those persons who are most affected,” the Commander said.
While noting that other serious crimes are not on record in that Region, Harding said there has been camaraderie between the Police and citizens.
“We are also planning to have some face-to-face meetings with the communities, so that we can have conversations with persons to understand what affects them most, and where the Police can interact with them to see what we can do to have better cooperation,” the Commander noted. (G4)