the Guyana Volleyball Federation (GVF) selected an 18 player to train for the under-23 (U-23) South American Championships scheduled for June 18 – 25 in Colombia.
The team announcement came after the Federation held trials last weekend under the guidance of National head coach Levi Nedd for the Under 23 male volleyball team at the National Gymnasium. A total of twenty nine players participated in the trials including eighteen from Berbice and eleven from Demerara. Six of the players selected, Adriel Moore, Trevon McRae, Samuel Fraser, Creston Rodney, Vance Harding and Wendell Austin were also part of the team that represented Guyana at the Senior South American Championships in Maceio Brazil last year.
The squad has since commenced training on Monday with the seven players from Demerara under the guidance of assistant coach Ian Wills while the remaining players continuing their preparation under the watchful eyes of Nedd in Berbice.
The entire squad will return to the National Gymnasium this weekend for training sessions on Saturday at 18

hours and Sunday at 8 and 13 hours.
The final squad of 15 players will be shortlisted shortly.
Meanwhile, the federation is also in the process of finalizing an upcoming trip for the team to challenge its Surinamese counterparts in Suriname ahead of the Columbia trip.
The 18 players that are undergoing training currently are; Creston Rodney, Vance Harding, Devon Bowman, Michael Adolph, Travis Stanley, Lezon Khan, Ryan Mangru (Demarara), Adriel Moore, Trevon McRae, Samuel Fraser, Wendell Austin, Joshua Jagmohan, Marcellos Hector, Akeem Bowling, Xavier Lambert and Pourt Mourant Training Centre student Klondyke Rodney who hails from Demerara.