It seems that Amerindian or indigenous

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter in the Guyana Times (Thur, July 28, 2016) titled “Unconscious Lethem Mother –Public Health Minister disappointed that relatives approached Media first – says Ministry will be looking into the matter.”

I do not (know) what the Public Health Minister Dr George Norton meant when he said that the Ministry will be looking into matter because to date no medical experts from Georgetown have visited the Lethem Hospital to determine why patient Thelma Rebeiro has not regained consciousness some four months after two surgeries for gallstones.

It seems that Amerindian or indigenous lives do not matter. In the Article referred to, the Public Health Minister said, “I was not aware of anything of that sort, I only became aware of the situation when I read a newspaper but it is surprising to know that these patients would go and tell the Media house everything and would not bother to inform me or my Ministry; however I do commend the media for highlighting the issues.”

The Public Health Minister further said , “I have been in Lethem only a week or two ago in many of the villages because I am concerned with what is happening in these places and none of the relatives made any effort to contact me on this matter.”

Let me quickly respond here that I was informed by the family and relatives of patient Thelma Rebeiro that they were never aware that the Public Health Minister was in Lethem and visiting Amerindian villages. And had they known they would have definitely approached the minister on the health condition of their patient.

But if the Public Health Minister was in Lethem, did he visit the Lethem Hospital where patient Rebeiro is currently? If he did then certainly the doctors would have informed the Health Minister on the condition of patient Rebeiro who is presently suffering. If not, then the Lethem doctors are hiding something from the minister and they ought to be removed and disciplined by both the Minister and the Guyana Medical Council (GMC).

The relatives of the patient have also informed me that a letter was also delivered to the office of the Minister of Public Health but he never responded to their letter. The minister should therefore at once consult with his secretary on the whereabouts of the letter, and if it is found the secretary should be disciplined.

On Saturday 23 July, 2016, I was informed by relatives of patient Rebeiro on her serious health condition at the Lethem Hospital. Immediately I called the Public Health Minister about a million times by Landline telephone to his cell but was unsuccessful and neither were my telephone calls returned.

The poor family and relatives of patient Thelma Rebeiro therefore had no other alternative but to inform the media so that the health condition of their patient can enter the public domain, which it did. This is how the Public Health Minister was informed about the condition of Thelma Rebeiro.

I commend the media for highlighting the very serious health condition of Thelma Rebeiro currently at the Lethem Hospital and to monitor her health condition.

Amerindian lives matter.

Yours Sincerely,

Peter Persaud