Transcend Entertainment’s Tapeball Tournament for June 30

More than 20 teams have signalled their interest in competing in the third annual Transcend Entertainment’s Seven-a-Side Independence Cricket Festival which is scheduled to be held on June 30 and July 1at the National Cultural Centre Tarmac in Georgetown, with action commencing at 20:00 hrs on both days.
Some of the teams that are expected to participate are: Team Corruption, Village Rams, Tallawahs United, Tarmac, Eccles All Stars, Outlaws and Hangover. Many other teams are expected to participate.
The organizer, Dodson, told Guyana Times Sport that the initiative behind holding the tournament is to provide opportunity for players to continue their cricket even with the current weather pattern. There have thus far been three new sponsors on board, namely Regal Stationery & Computer Centre, Movement Auto Rental & Bus Service, and Sankar’s Auto Works.
Dodson related that during the May-June rainy season, there is a decrease in hardball cricket, as most grounds are washed out.
At a simple presentation ceremony, Director of Sport, Christopher Jones, said he is very happy that the event will be contested after already being postponed. He also said he endorses the event, and sees it as one that would bring people together.
This event, which has gained the support of the National Sports Commission (NSC), is so far sponsored by Superbet, Banks DIH, Ramps Logistics Ltd, Imperial Trading, Red Carpet Wash Bay, Regal Stationery and Computer Centre, Star Party Rentals, Xavier’s Investment, Movement Auto Sales, Precision Auto Works, W&J Enterprise, Fung-A-Fat Hatchery, Ole’s Jewellery, Seeta’s Bar, Regent Household Electronics, Royal Real Estate, Church’s Chicken, Fireside Grill, Magic City, S&D Enterprises, Movement Auto Rental & Bus Service, and Sankar’s Auto Works.